Sunday 31 May 2015

[Male Model] Kenneth Bek - Stick Your Tongue Out

I said before, every models has his own signature, maybe his sparkling eyes, her amazing legs, his glittering pecs or her killing smiling eyes (this is Tyra’s). Do you know what signature does this sexy Danish redhead guy have?

Stick tongue out.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s welcome REDHOT 100 cover boy, Kenneth Bek. Honestly, Ken is the reason I noticed this book, so, you know how much important the cover is for books and magazines. 

From a Juice Boy To a Cover Boy
Ken Bek(make it short) is found by the organizer and photographer of REDHOT 100, Thomas Night, in a juice shop (Juicy boy in juice shop, is it a coincidence?) According to (This blogger interviewed him!!! I am so jealous, f**king jealous), if Bek wasn’t a model now, he would still work with his mates in a Juice bar, Joe & The Juice (alright, I will put it on my list when I visit London.)

Then, Thomas took some pics of him and this shooting totally changed his life.

He admitted that he didn’t expect being a model would be his future on Channel7 Sunrise Show’s interview. The truth is the photo he did for REDHOT 100 was his modeling debut. He had never done photo shooting before it. However, who knows that this tongue-out-face pic will be his signature that makes him stand out and went on viral. 


Make a Difference, Make a Splash
Speak of standing out, here are the words he wrote in REDHOT 100 book about being a readhead.

“Being a redhead kid was not always easy. To stand out from the crowd among your classmates made me an easy target. What I have learned is that to stand out from the crowd is a unique characteristic to possess – why would you like to be like everybody else when they are already taken? I mean for God sake – even the Prince himself is RED HOT.”

This is so true, Mr, Bek. When other models’ signatures are eyes, abs or something ordinary, yours outshines. That’s why he is already signed by Elite Models, Paris, AMCK Model, London and New York Models, New York to name a few. (Lucky Bek!)

From a primary school teacher (Yep, a teacher, where can I find such hottie redhead teacher?) to a juice Bartender to a full time model, Ken’s life is full of turning point. Let’s see how marvelous he will be in the model world and I believe he will make a big name.

Being unique is tough but worthy, isn’t it?

Follow him on FB or instagram @kennethbek

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