Sunday 20 March 2016

[Male Model] Walter Savage - Tarzan in The City

So, what would happen when Tarzan steps into fashion world? Check this steaming hot model, Walter Savage, u will find out the answer.

Walter Savage, the model from North End Wilkes Barre, has a speechless body shape and exotic looking which makes him more recognizable and photogenic. Honestly, the reason I noticed him was because of luxury swimwear and underwear brand Charlie by MZ (I have to say this brand has really good taste on picking models and doing brand’s campaigns.) The photo he shoots with Diego Miguel for it was outrageous and made me feel the heat while looking these pics.

Let’s know more about him, shall we?

According the interview he did for Daily Front Row, he revealed that he has a degree in Forensic Chemistry. It’s hot, isn’t it? Just imagine he was in laboratory and dealing with bottles that there were filled with strange liquid, how hot it would be! (Ok, maybe just me).

Continuing talking about his student life, he said he was a great and energetic student. The time he likes the most in his high school is playing volleyball with his teammates, and his coach helped him a lot during the time.  “I owe a lot to my coach, Mr. Lapinski, for developing my character on and off the court.”  He said.

He also mentioned that he has a secret skill, cutting hair (what!)

His Dad taught him this skill at his 12. So, if the backstage of runway is lack of hairdresser, u can have Walter to help other model, it’s very worthy u can book a model and a hairdresser at same time (I am jus saying.)

Oh, there is one more thing I think is very inspiring. The advice he would give himself at 13 is “Keep being you, kid.” (Nice, Walter.)

Anyway, u may wonder why I call him Tarzan (or not, maybe). It’s nothing to do his looking, but about the way he lives. I am not talking about he eats like Tarzan or dresses like Tarzan (if so, I really appreciate).  When u check his instagram, u will see a bunch of videos of his work out on it.

The point is, the world is like a gym to him!

Basically, he can do work out everywhere, on the beech, in the trees or in the park, as long as there is something he can hang on, he can come up with different poses for work out (So, we don’t need to go to gym and pay for it anymore). I think that’s why he has such beautiful abs and pecs.

Dear, move u ass out of the couch and work out with Walter Savage RIGHT NOW!

  Photos are from Fashionista 
Follow Walter Savage on instagram @thewaltersavage

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