Sunday 25 May 2014

[Series] Modern Family S5 - Throw ur bouquet instead of towel.

Modern Family takes itself to the next level, not its rate but also the plot.
Come hell or high water, Mitchell and Cam finally tie the knot.(They did go through a lot terrified situation, such as volcanic eruption, wow, poor couple.) Btw, if they didn’t tie the knot at the last episode, their gay audience will kick their ass for sure.

We all love happy ending, don’t we? However, the way to happiness is so bumpy that a lot of people turn their way around on the half-way, especially, gay people. Even happen to this lovely couple, they had changed their weeding location for 4 times a day as some ridiculous reasons. (No guests made any complaints about it, amazing! especially the gay guests.)

We give up by some ridiculous reasons sometimes, don’t we?

Nevertheless, they still stuck to each other.(even they want to throw in the towels instead of bouquet at their third times of changing location.) The way to happiness is so bumpy and rocky but the fruit is for those people who hold on at the last minute.

Same-sex marriage is coming on its way to worldwide. Finally bear the sweat “fruit”, guys.

The reason why I love “Modern Family” so mush is that every member in this family has his or her own personalities (except the baby, Joe). Thus, I have strong faith in that Lily will be the next gay icon.

Look forward to next season and Harley’s new love story.

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