Have u ever interviewed urself ? I mean,
create another role to interview urself.
It’s kind of weird, I know, but there is a guy actually doing this!
It’s kind of weird, I know, but there is a guy actually doing this!
This man is Mr. Weird, James Franco.
Not only interviewing himself for FourTwoNine, he also divides himself into Straight James (SJ) and Gay James (GJ) to let them chat. (he does take his creepy personality to next level.)
At first, I think SJ is interviewer and GJ is interviewee. Yet, their conversation confuses me who is who at the end of the interview. Anyway, he is James Franco, who always confuse us what he is doing, so it’s less surprising he does so.
In the interview, James considers SJ as his public persona and GJ as the artist (so, who is the real Franco? No one knows, and he wants to make it as a big secret.) . And he redefines what “Gay” is.
GJ: Well, I like to think that I’m gay in my art and straight in my life. Although, I’m also gay in my life up to the point of intercourse, and then you could say I’m straight. So I guess it depends on how you define gay. If it means whom you have sex with, I guess I’m straight. In the twenties and thirties, they used to define homosexuality by how you acted and not by whom you slept with. Sailors would fuck guys all the time, but as long as they behaved in masculine ways, they weren’t considered gay. I wrote a little poem about it.
So, are u a gay? Or, maybe u r a guy who only wants to have sex with another guy.
James brings us another sight to see what gay means. In fact, it will drive some gay men crazy and dizzy.
Speak of definition, He is really good at giving new one on something we take it for granted, however, if u want him to define himself, it is impossible.
SJ: No. I guess I mean that I like my queer public persona. I like that it’s so hard to define me and that people always have to guess about me. They don’t know what the hell is up with me, and that’s great. Not that I do what I do to confuse people, but as long as they are confused, I get time to play.
Oh, Franco u r so sneaky, or should I call u Sneaky Franco? No one can get u real, right? And u don’t want to let people to catch u, right? I know, keep self in mysterious in the best way to allure people.
And u know what, GJ call SJ goofball and asks him does he really want people to think he is gay instead of straight and cool guy like Ryan Gosling. (so to speak, he calls himself goofball. Will u call urself goofball?)
SJ: Why would you say that it was a good
thing that people would consider me straight? I actually like it when people
think I’m gay; it’s a great shield.
U can read more weird dialog on its website, but I have to warn u in advance, read it when u are in sober or u will like in karma.
Anyway, it is an interesting interview though, but I still can’t get what the real James is, seems like he hide behind SJ and GJ. To wit, there is the third James who plays hide-and –seek well.
Maybe next time he will do trio interview and pull the Real James out. Who knows?
U can read more weird dialog on its website, but I have to warn u in advance, read it when u are in sober or u will like in karma.
Anyway, it is an interesting interview though, but I still can’t get what the real James is, seems like he hide behind SJ and GJ. To wit, there is the third James who plays hide-and –seek well.
Maybe next time he will do trio interview and pull the Real James out. Who knows?
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