Sunday 5 October 2014

[Cover] God! It's Nick Wooster

“F**K”  This is the first world I vomited when I saw one of my fashion icon, Nick Wooster, lying on the GQ Taiwan Oct cover in bookstore. Then, he is lying on my bookshelf now. (I flip out a little bit).

Men’s fashion magazines in Taiwan are so into asking starlets (and strip these girls near nude) appear on the cover. Come on, this is men’s fashion magazine and it suppose to be men’s best friend to give you best advice on your taste or whatever relates to men’s living. Not be men’s best horny friend to show you which girl is the hottest, and it isn’t helpful but only please eyes (maybe these sexy girls does save some boring or geek boys’ lives).   

This time, GQ Taiwan made a big and great move again. Inviting the most fashionable “uncle ” in the world to appear on its cover (hubba hubba!).  The uncle with mega tattoo and grey hair is street snap photographer favorite to chase and shoot during fashion week. Even in Pitti Uomo, a trade fair actually gathers worldwide stylish guy together, he is still a best killer among them.


He is Nick Wooster the man whom I want to be when I am at his age.

“Wooster God” is the nickname his followers give to him (he is kind of God who is movers and shakers in social media for sure now). However, this fashion god says he is so flattered when choose to be one of the most stylish men in the world (oh, so humble) and reveals that there are a lot of fashion guys he wants to dress like them (God’s role-model? I wonder who are these guys, are they for real? ).


When it comes to if he had made some fashion mistakes before in interview, Uncle Wooster replies that sometimes he felt like “what the heck I am thinking “when he checked his early day style (I wrap my head around this feeling as I have the same one when I take a look at the clothes at my 15.  EW!  Nightmare).  He gives his advice on styling to guy who is interesting in clothes.

“Take a shot on every style constantly even it works or fails sometimes, at least it is interesting.”

Thank you, Wooster God, I will keep it in mind until the end of the world.

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