Sunday 4 October 2015

[Celebrity] Someone Breaks My Heart but Someone Saves Me

This week must be very tough for most gay people. Because sexy diver, Tom Daley, is engaged! (I still can’t believe it)

Old Fashion Way Always Works
The Olympic diver, Tom Daley, is engaged with his boyfriend, the Oscar-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black. They placed an announcement in British newspaper The Times instead of announcing on twitter or youtube. We can tell how serious they are about their engagement by announcing in such old fashion way. Therefore, this announcement is not a joke or a kind of ridiculous rumor from tabloid (Although I hope it is). 

I am really happy to see this lovely couple tie the knot down the aisle. I hope that after getting married, Tom still can strip off to show his abs with his tiny swimming brief alongside the pool. Now I am wondering that his place in attitude magazine’s annual hot guy poll will go up or down next year?

Never mind, he is somebody’s husband.

More underwear collections, more hot campaigns
Thank God, there are two things can comfort my broken heart. One is that David Gandy has launched his new leisurewear collection and the other is that David Beckham’s non-stop underwear collection is also on air. 


After getting huge attention and success last year, British super model David Gandy reunites with Mark & Spencer for his latest underwear collection, 2015 Autograph.

This time, David expands his collections include pajama pants, robes and other easy pieces. Thus, the more pieces he rolls out, the more campaigns he does. His latest campaign is more elegant and less surprisingly, much hotter than last ones. (But nothing can compare with his swimwear campaign that was so damn hot). 


I am glad this lovely Daddy, David, still work on his underwear collection with H&M. I thought he would stop collaborating with H&M on this collection, so his latest one is kind surprising to me. But the sad thing for his latest campaign is that we can’t see his abs and butt, and can’t see him running with his trunk on street either. Oh come on, David, seriously? u want to keep promise that u said no one wants to see u naked after turning 40?  

No matter how old r u, David, we love u and ur trunks forever.

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